Panel discussion: “Does the EU miss out on the Asian Century?”

Panel discussion: “Does the EU miss out on the Asian Century?”

To conclude its Interregional Online-Workshop “EU-ASEAN Perspectives”, IFAIR will host a public roundtable discussion with policy-makers and academics from Europe and Southeast Asia, taking place on 10 February, 7-8.15 pm, in the office of the BMW Foundation in Berlin.

The event is held under the title “Does the EU miss out on the Asian Century? What’s at stake in EU-ASEAN relations”. It will feature high-ranking practitioners, such as the acting Ambassador (CdA) of Indonesia to Germany, Dr. Siswo Pramono, and Dr. Thomas Gambke, Member of German Parliament and Chair of the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Relations with the ASEAN states, as well as distinguished academics such as Prof. Tanja Börzel of the Free University Berlin. Members of the workshop team will present the findings of the discussions and engage in a lively conversation about the future of the interregional relations with the guest discussants.

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Join the debate and share your ideas in this unique setting! More information about the event can be found on the >> [invitation flyer].

Please notify your participation to >> []. For more information on the workshop and the event, go to our >> [Impact Group website].



After the event we invite all participants to a small reception, kindly sponsored by the Research College (KFG) “The Transformative Power of Europe”.