IFAIR’s Series in Times of Corona: Today from Serbia
There is no doubt the world is facing an unknown and unpredictable enemy, called COVID-19. In the light of that, every country has taken some measures in order to defeat it and stop its spreading. Among the countries affected by it is the Republic of Serbia.
In the beginning, the authorities in Serbia did not take the situation seriously. Nevertheless, after the first patient was diagnosed things have changed. Since the elderly population is considered to be the most vulnerable group, the government decided they should remain in-doors. Only people under 65 are allowed to go outside but only if they have to go to the supermarket or pharmacy and are protected, wearing masks and gloves. The number of people gathered at one place should be less than 20 (this refers only to supermarkets) and the distance between people 2 meters. Even though the doctors have warned the population to stay out of restaurants, coffee shops and parks, the reality was the opposite. People continued to visit each other and to get together. The number of inflected people continued to grow so the government introduced the state of emergency and police hour, believing it will stop the population from going out. Children started learning online and many companies sent their employees to work remotely. After the introduction of police hour, people decided to send a message of gratitude to medical staff by giving them applause each night from their balcony.
The EU and Norway have sent financial packages while the People’s Republic of China sent masks and medical staff.
In these moments what we all need is solidarity, because only united we can defeat the problem and continue where we stopped.
Be safe. Stay at home.
Lena Gomer
Dejana Vukadinović lives in the Republic of Serbia and is 27 years old.