Florian Schöler
Florian Schöler is an executive board member and responsible for IFAIR’s member management.
He currently works as a legal clerk in the diplomatic protocol division of the German parliament in Berlin. He has finished an LL.M. in international criminal law at the University of Amsterdam and Columbia Law School in New York. He spent most of his time studying for the German law diploma at Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz, from where he also worked for an international law firm in Frankfurt. He has previously spent a year studying in Glasgow and interned with both the German Foreign Office in Saigon as well as with a small law firm in Lima. He has been active in various NGOs for over a decade, providing manpower and later legal advice to political integration projects, legal counselling for refugees and private sea rescue. He spent some time teaching English in Colombia before he started studying. Florian speaks German, English, French and Spanish.
E-Mail: florian.schoeler@ifair.eu