Dr. Steffen Murau
Dr Steffen Murau is an executive board member and responsible for IFAIR’s Impact Groups.
He currently works as a postdoctoral fellow at Global Development Policy Center of Boston University. In the academic year 2017-18, he was a fellow at Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. Steffen completed his PhD in International Political Economy at City, University of London in November 2017. From 2013 to 2017, he has been teaching political economy, international relations and economics at City, University of London, University College London (UCL) and Columbia University, New York. Until 2012, he studied political science, philosophy, economics and international law at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He interned at Deutsche Bundesbank and the German Institute for Security and International Affairs, and implemented a development project in Cameroon with a German NGO. Steffen speaks German, English, French and Arabic.
Website: https://steffenmurau.com/
Contact: steffen.murau@ifair.eu