New in Advisory Board: Former Undersecretary of State Dr. Born


New in Advisory Board: Former Undersecretary of State Dr. Born

We are very happy to announce that Dr. Wolf-Ruthart Born has joined our Advisory Board today, as another prominent figure of German and international foreign policy. Dr. Born recently served as Undersecretary of State or Europe, political relations and the United Nations between 2009 and 2011.

After postings in Sudan and Buenos Aires, Dr. Born was responsible for bilateral relations to all western European countries including Turkey and the negotiations for the Schengen-Agreement at the Federal Chancellery. He later represented Germany as ambassador to Mexico, Turkey and Spain.

Read his full biography
Lebenlauf Dr. Wolf-Ruthart Born

Dr. Born met members of IFAIR last year for an exclusive backgroun session to talk about career opportunities in international relations as well as current developments in foreign affairs. He will advise and support IFAIR in its projects and development.
