„Massive Open Online Courses“ >> [MOOCs] sind eine neue Art des Lernens von jedem Ort der Welt aus. Professoren und Praktiker digitalisieren dafür ihre Vorlesungen und stellen diese online zur Verfügung. Sie werden dann – teils von bis zu 100.000en – abgerufen. Die Kurse bieten dabei mehr als eine herkömmliche Vorlesung: Neben den Videos, Begleitmaterialien und Tests werden Studenten und Wissenschaftler in einer Community miteinander vernetzt. Einige Kurse bieten so auch ein umfassendes peer-review System und Projekte zur Zusammenarbeit.
IFAIR möchte seine Mitglieder einladen, dieses innovative Format zu nutzen. Hierfür kooperieren wir mit „„, der europäische Internet-Plattform für Massive Open Online Courses. Die Teilnahme an den Kursen ist kostenlos. IFAIR-Mitglieder erhalten 25% Nachlass auf die am Ende eines Kurses zu erwerbenden Kurszertifikate. Wenn ihr das Angebot wahrnehmen wollt, schreibt einfach eine kurze Email an >> [].
Die folgenden Kurse stehen aktuell im Bereich Internationale Beziehungen und Public Policy für euch zur Verfügung:
Public Privacy: Cyber Security and Human Rights
von Prof. Dr. Anja Mihr
Wild, wild web: Is the Internet a lawless no man’s land? Based on the recent public debate on data protection and massive privacy infringements, this course will explore the connection between cyber security and human rights.
>> [direkt zum Kurs]
The European Union in Global Governance
von Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters (et al)
The EU is an economic giant but often perceived as a political dwarf and a military worm. By addressing the greatest challenges to EU external relations, the MOOC explains the law and policy aspects of the EU in global governance.
>> [direkt zum Kurs]
Political Philosophy: An Introduction
von Prof. Dr. Furio Cerutti
Are you interested in politics? Do you feel the need to have a clearer understanding of it, beyond the conventional language of media and social networks? Well, this course might provide the help and the stimulus you are looking for.
>> [direkt zum Kurs][:en]
„Massive Open Online Courses“ >> [MOOCs] are a new way of learning from anywhere in the world. For this purpose, academics and practitioners are digitalizing their lectures and making them available online. They are then accessed by up to 100.000 people worldwide. These courses offer more than a traditional lecture: Besides videos, materials and tests, students and scientist become part of a community. Some courses offer a comprehensive system of peer-review and projects for further collaboration.
IFAIR invites its member to take part in this innovative format. Therefore we started a cooperation with „“, the european market leader in Massive Open Online Courses. Participation in these courses is free of charge. IFAIR-members receive a 25% discount on the certificates that can be obtained at the end of a course. If you would like to make use of this offer, please contact >> [].
The following courses are currently offered to IFAIR-members in the areas of international relations and public policy:
Public Privacy: Cyber Security and Human Rights
von Prof. Dr. Anja Mihr
Wild, wild web: Is the Internet a lawless no man’s land? Based on the recent public debate on data protection and massive privacy infringements, this course will explore the connection between cyber security and human rights.
>> [direkt zum Kurs]
The European Union in Global Governance
von Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters (et al)
The EU is an economic giant but often perceived as a political dwarf and a military worm. By addressing the greatest challenges to EU external relations, the MOOC explains the law and policy aspects of the EU in global governance.
>> [direkt zum Kurs]
Political Philosophy: An Introduction
von Prof. Dr. Furio Cerutti
Are you interested in politics? Do you feel the need to have a clearer understanding of it, beyond the conventional language of media and social networks? Well, this course might provide the help and the stimulus you are looking for.
>> [direkt zum Kurs][:]