Collected edition “Memory as a Tool of Change: Forgotten Places in Siberia” published

Collected edition “Memory as a Tool of Change: Forgotten Places in Siberia” published

As the final part of this year’s “Memory as a Tool of Change: Forgotten Places in Siberia”-project all German and Russian participants have created a collected edition with essays on their experience with commemorative culture and practices in the Yugra Oblast regarding the totalitarian past of the 20th century. After their two-week trip the participants formed groups and tackled different issues that were of importance to them (Forced labor and resettlement, GULag etc). The edition is rounded up by an editors’ intro and a general introduction on commemorative culture and narratives in today’s Russia. The purpose of this project is to critically asses commemorative culture in Russia and Germany, before the background of their totalitarian past and spark discussions in civil society, among experts and officials. We would like to invite you to comment on our findings and share our results.

This year’s trip is part of the “Memory as a Tool of Change” project series. It was supported by the Yugra State University and funded by the Federal Foreign Office.

The collected edition was published as part of IFAIR’s ‘Memory as a tool of change – Forgotten Places in Siberia’ Impact Group.

© Paulo Valdivieso 
