CfA: NGO representatives for the project “Common Remembrance, Future Relations”
Project Summary
The burden of the past and blind spots in the construction of national historical truths often manifest in obstacles to intergovernmental cooperation. However, the mutual exchange of societies’ experiences and their understanding of past events can facilitate processes of remembrance, reappraisal and reconciliation. The project connects NGOs and guides a structured exchange of the culture of remembrance as well as memorial practices in Armenia, France, Germany, Israel and Turkey. Its goals are to reduce images of the other, to initiate reciprocal learning processes in remembrance, commemoration and reconciliation work, and to foster intercultural cooperation by planning and launching collaborative projects.
IFAIR is looking for 20 representatives from NGOs. They should work in the field of remembrance culture or international political dialogue, live and/or work in Armenia, France, Germany, Israel and Turkey and have experience in project management.
If the above criteria apply to you, please send your application (CV, letter of motivation, certificates) by 15th of March 2017 to
For questions on the project or the application procedure, please contact or